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  1. CanefaninBuckeyeland

    Pate's Take on the Win

    I have no problem with one's biases. I mean we all have them. Just be honest about them. If you're an SEC slurper (Finebaum) or a UM apologist, own it and don't pretend you're objective.
  2. CanefaninBuckeyeland

    Pate's Take on the Win

    Not to turn this into a Herbie thread, but I think he's more frustrated with UM than anything (as we all are). I was referring more to his comments that have been viewed up here as "anti-Ohio State" and the group think mentality that permeates college football. I understand it's different with...
  3. CanefaninBuckeyeland

    Pate's Take on the Win

    He absolutely did and that's why I like him so much. He was bred to hate Miami, but rather than going with the group think that is SEC way, he decided to actually think for himself (he reminds me of Herbie in that respect). I loved when he did an entire segment on why certain entities hate UM...