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  1. JamesQuall

    The Don… updates??

    A guy can definitely have poor vision but make clean jump cuts. A jump cut is like a spin, stiff arm, or a juke. It’s a move that requires agility. A running back can be highly agile but still have poor vision. I agree with @OrangeBowlMagic Ajay seems to have decent to good agility but lacks...
  2. JamesQuall

    The Don… updates??

    Agreed. But the defender made a great play on that. If you watch it again, you’ll see him knock the ball out mid transition. It was great to see him get the first down on the very next play. Also seeing him make up for it with the TD and the jump ball on the underthrown ball by Emory he used...
  3. JamesQuall

    The Don… updates??

    From your lips to God’s ear. However, hearing he went back to the tent and then was carted off… it may be his 3rd straight season ending injury to a knee. Pray that is not the case. Edit: @Cribby heard it’s not major. Let’s just hope it was extremely precautionary ala Kam.