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  1. UMFarArcher

    TVD news

    This isn't rocket science! You'd think we just lost the game with all this second guessing the coaching decisions. #1. Inside the Red Zone - it's more difficult throwing the ball as everything is tightening up. The Clemson QB was not that great throwing - so where do we want him? Inside the...
  2. UMFarArcher

    TVD news

    Not me. TVD has a role - and he's really played hard for us for many games - and even the best QB's ever to play - have had some off day games. He's taken a beating for us. I hope he will heal up, and come back and set the ACC on fire. I think TVD could use a shot of tequila before running...
  3. UMFarArcher

    TVD news

    I happen to be in the camp that all the team wanted to play a bit harder so that the entire burden of winning wasn't put on Emory. I've been in critical situations - and the rest of us agreed to make sure the newbie didn't have to feel that burden nor put him in a place where HE would place...
  4. UMFarArcher

    TVD news

    So a true freshman - in his first college game - against a really good Clemson team - with really good defensive backs - just happened to make those passes - and NOT see coverages, alignments, and somehow executed - perfectly? That's like saying, "Yes, he said his ABC's, in sequence - and got...
  5. UMFarArcher

    TVD news

    Is it possible - just possible that there are staff members that know more about our situation - and TVD's status than those here? My my! Do ya'll kiss your mother with those mouths? :unsure: