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  1. R

    Miami vs Clemson 10/21/23

    Dawson made the adjustments in the 4th qtr. Emory got more comfortable and he was making good throws downfield. Defense played big today. Gritty win. Love it!!
  2. R

    Miami vs Clemson 10/21/23

    Time to take some 50/50 shots downfield.
  3. R

    Miami vs Clemson 10/21/23

    Because that’s what they did back in the day, lol.
  4. R

    Miami vs Clemson 10/21/23

    I think CJ can be that guy too.
  5. R

    Miami vs Clemson 10/21/23

    I’m not confident we will make the correct halftime adjustments. I think most of the adjustments need to come from Dawson. Mix in some basic slants, crossing patterns and the wheel route will work with all the screens we have ran tonight?
  6. R

    Miami vs Clemson 10/21/23

    Thank you. That should have been incomplete pass at worst.
  7. R

    Miami vs Clemson 10/21/23

    The one time we go pass on 1st down pressure gets home.
  8. R

    Miami vs Clemson 10/21/23

    I think Guidry is fine for the most part. A couple questionable play calls and needing more talent, but overall I think he’s doing fine.
  9. R

    Miami vs Clemson 10/21/23

    Dawson needs to let Emory take a chance on 1st down next drive. Max protect, JG with a double move and Colbie go deep on other side with BS running shallow crossing route.
  10. R

    Miami vs Clemson 10/21/23

    I think Cade has more of that gunslinger mentality that allows him to throw it up for his wrs downfield. Especially against our secondary. Emory is being asked to stay in the system.
  11. R

    Miami vs Clemson 10/21/23

    It’s all in his footwork imo. Watch him, his weight distribution is off. I’m attributing that to nerves. Hopefully QB coach fixes that.
  12. R

    Miami vs Clemson 10/21/23

    For freaking real! If he could declare, what NFL wouldn’t want to snatch him up at his age and continue to work with him?
  13. R

    Miami vs Clemson 10/21/23

    Why the hate on Emory already? He had one bad throw where he didn’t step into the throw. He was inside his own 10 and 3rd and long. Let’s see how he responds next drive.
  14. R

    Miami vs Clemson 10/21/23

    Throwing off his back foot a little instead of driving the ball. But the play wasn’t there regardless.
  15. R

    Miami vs Clemson 10/21/23

    With TVD out, allows him to play more since X doesnt have same chemistry with TVD. I’m not against X. But I do think we can do a lot of things with both of them in.
  16. R

    Miami vs Clemson 10/21/23

    Whats the odds of JW and KK coming back next year? More and more it appears that last season was a mirage for KK. He needs another year imo
  17. R

    Miami vs Clemson 10/21/23

    Not a bad first drive for EW. The pass rush got home, but looks like he was throwing to an open wr.