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  1. Umbra

    Does UNC beat Miami without TEZ Walker..

    You right. But if your job is to park cars and the employee just lets someone back into another car how was the supposed to prevent that? Theres only so many trainings you can do for parking. Just playing devil's advocate here.
  2. Umbra

    Does UNC beat Miami without TEZ Walker..

    The boss takes the slack when **** hits the fan at any job. But it doesn't mean objectively we all know that there is an employee that maybe shouldn't have been hired or at least that an employee made a dumb mistake that the boss only has so much control of.
  3. Umbra

    Does UNC beat Miami without TEZ Walker..

    It's a good stat line for a WR but not video game numbers. Only 6 catches. Means busts and bad plays by DBs. Other WRs would have got the targets in his steed. Maybe take 1 TD away but we were gassed in Q3 and that wouldn't have made the difference
  4. Umbra

    Does UNC beat Miami without TEZ Walker..

    Lol. One WR with 109 yds was not the difference