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  1. Dwinstitles

    Early Clemson prediction

    I think they do not want to f the locker room up. I think benching Flagg ain’t a good look for the kids. I think that’s why and he does have good in. He’s limited asf but I kind of get why he plays. Not only do coaches have to coach they have to see these kids talk to them spend time with...
  2. Dwinstitles

    Early Clemson prediction

    I do like Guidry though and Dawson
  3. Dwinstitles

    Early Clemson prediction

    37-31 Clemson not ready yet hope we pull it off. Still see a lot of good more than bad even though losses are always bad and expectations here are always high. Still optimistic but don’t ask me or @ me immediately after a loss, I don’t think properly. I know that last long for people here but...