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  1. JZCane0825


    Our QB locks onto the same receiver every time he drops back to pass. He's immobile and can't read a defense. Gattis is having at least some measure of success at Maryland so perhaps TVD is the issue and not the OC? We crown Lashlee but it's not like Tyler was known commodity yet when he took...
  2. JZCane0825


    Most of that was in the second half
  3. JZCane0825


    That too. I thought our front 7 held up fine
  4. JZCane0825


    Our QB threw for nearly 400 yards last night. It was 508-482 in total yards and we essentially scored 38 points if you count the Parrish fumble on the goal line. Blame the D if you want to point at any particular one unit but we produced enough last night to have a chance to win.