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  1. gogeta4

    Canes vs UNC 10/14

    Who's the no one I've been telling folks that MC ain't it for the last 2 "coaching searches" .. KIFFIN was my go to..considering the team had offensive talent
  2. gogeta4

    Canes vs UNC 10/14

    Only if our players through ùp the u and put it down like everyone else
  3. gogeta4

    Canes vs UNC 10/14

    He did not step up in the pocket with cLear space
  4. gogeta4

    Canes vs UNC 10/14

    Nix is a stone cold bum
  5. gogeta4

    Canes vs UNC 10/14

    Well they rused 4 and ran a easy twit to block with gore of all ppl
  6. gogeta4

    Canes vs UNC 10/14

    Yea because he hit the guy clearly trying to block him in the end zone. Bs call
  7. gogeta4

    Canes vs UNC 10/14

    And jacoby george fair caught it with not a sole within 5 yards of him
  8. gogeta4

    Canes vs UNC 10/14

    Because none of them are 5th year seniors like he or couch.
  9. gogeta4

    Canes vs UNC 10/14

  10. gogeta4

    Canes vs UNC 10/14

    What would posses u to leave Jaden davis slow *** on an island. I have yet to see he or tecory couch make a correct play on the ball in the air in 10 szn between them
  11. gogeta4

    Canes vs UNC 10/14

    Linebackers non existent
  12. gogeta4

    Canes vs UNC 10/14

    Great play call
  13. gogeta4

    Canes vs UNC 10/14

    If u call that on Smith how do u Not call it on fr 5 for running after Bain and getting in smith's face?
  14. gogeta4

    Canes vs UNC 10/14

    I watch football all day... For whatever reason refs are always on us after every play after every dawn thing it's so annoying
  15. gogeta4

    Canes vs UNC 10/14

    Doesn't matter he's a Sr be is gone
  16. gogeta4

    Canes vs UNC 10/14

    Dude got a flag running on field on specials
  17. gogeta4

    Canes vs UNC 10/14

    Take on the personality of the head coach
  18. gogeta4

    Canes vs UNC 10/14

    Corey Gaynor has forever been a bum
  19. gogeta4

    Canes vs UNC 10/14

    Kam Kinchens ..couch look to be playing outside leverage. Nothing really thereto hold Kinchens but he looked totally confused
  20. gogeta4

    Canes vs UNC 10/14

    You expect him to see Porter behind him?. Did he use his rear view?