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  1. Hold My Beer

    Mario on Joe Rose Show Monday 10/9

    That's fair. But in comparison to the disaster of 2022, I do think we made progress in the first three weeks (and some of the Temple game, too), in looking like a solid football team that plays with effort and intelligence. It will be a good measuring stick at UNC to see if we can back to that...
  2. Hold My Beer

    Mario on Joe Rose Show Monday 10/9

    At the end of the day, the big picture is still the most important thing. The overall trajectory of the program is trending up, Saturday night's lackluster performance and half-assed ending notwithstanding
  3. Hold My Beer

    Mario on Joe Rose Show Monday 10/9

    As the saying goes, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. 100% with the Canes every **** day. Looking forward to the rebound in Chapel Hill