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  1. SWFLHurricane

    I am tired of blaming Mario or Chaney

    AGAIN.....F the non-existent should've NEVER happened to begin with. And all your "If's" are equally meaningless.
  2. SWFLHurricane

    I am tired of blaming Mario or Chaney

    The refs were bad (what else is new) but you simply cannot blame them for the ending. If we kneel, then the game is bad refereeing would have mattered. No excuses....bad refereeing has been a staple at UM since forever... but even with bad calls, the outcome was because of sheer...
  3. SWFLHurricane

    I am tired of blaming Mario or Chaney

    No, it doesn't need to be addressed...the fumble/non-fumble means absolutely NOTHING....because it NEVER should have happened to begin with. Stop blaming a play that wasn't the crux of the situation. A F-ing HS Coach and staff wouldn't have made such a Monumental disaster of a decision, by...
  4. SWFLHurricane

    I am tired of blaming Mario or Chaney

    That's not the point for the umpteenth time.... Fact of the matter is...It should NEVER have come down to that. Stop with the's a futile attempt to cover up the fact.