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  1. Mikeiavelli

    Lost In All This (Don Chaney DIDNT Fumble)

    Actually, the ump started to raise his hand to call the play dead, you know, the guy staring straight at Don 2 yards away. He then put it down quickly to let the play continue, and deferred to the sideline official, who, was half the width of the field away, and looking into Dons back and...
  2. Mikeiavelli

    Lost In All This (Don Chaney DIDNT Fumble)

    Cause you can lose hold of a ball after being ruled down.
  3. Mikeiavelli

    Lost In All This (Don Chaney DIDNT Fumble)

    I would love to know if officials are ever really held accountable. I know there are rare cases when it's publicly released that officials have some form of punishment. But what really goes on behind the curtain? What are the metrics of a successful official? How are these metrics measured...
  4. Mikeiavelli

    Lost In All This (Don Chaney DIDNT Fumble)

    It's not like they waited. The entire game was an officiating **** show. We survived that malpractice until the last **** 36 seconds.