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  1. RightSaidFred

    Dumb Luck

    It looks like the head ref was Jeff Heaser, and he lives in Atlanta. Attended Northern Illinois University. He's the ACC's favorite ref, he was also the head ref for the national championship game between UGA and TCU
  2. RightSaidFred

    Dumb Luck

    I've been trying to find out their names just to see if they're a bunch of FSU or UF grads. So far no luck. But yeah, the ACC refs have always had a bad bias against us but last night was another level. The worst, besides the "fumble" (which I agree was not a fumble), was the touchdown that...
  3. RightSaidFred

    Dumb Luck

    Yes they have. Didn't we go a whole season with them not calling a single holding penalty against any team we were playing? This game was one of the most blatent but they've been ******** us nonstop for a long time. Remember when we returned the kickoff against Duke to win the game a number...
  4. RightSaidFred

    Dumb Luck

    The refs jobbed us big time. Time to get us the **** out of the ACC. This ******* conference, man.
  5. RightSaidFred

    Dumb Luck

    We might. We have the talent to match up with them though. I'm hopeful that we come out with an angry focus, dialed in and ready to give it everything. And if I'm Mario/Rad, I'm slipping the kids some vitamin T this week, I'm deflating balls, I'm stealing signs... they need to do whatever is...
  6. RightSaidFred

    Dumb Luck

    Below MY expectations. Because you can ask anyone who knows my posting history, I've been saying Top 5 classes are the bar since the day Rad and Mario were hired and this program started getting serious about football. I've been consistent about that Top 5 thing and never wavered or changed...
  7. RightSaidFred

    Dumb Luck

    My advice is give it a week. If we go to North Carolina and beat them, then this will all look very different. If we lose, then this loss becomes even worse. I also wouldn't worry about the media. Media loves narratives, and one of the best narratives is the redemption story. Guarantee...
  8. RightSaidFred

    Dumb Luck

    It's all water under the bridge now, but I was being negative on our recruiting class. Still am. That's what ****ed everyone off. You guys were too high on the talent acquisition stuff, just like you're too low on the coaching staff and team right now. We weren't "back" or on our way to...
  9. RightSaidFred

    Dumb Luck

    I will, but I don't have any hate for people in the trenches with me while we're all getting bombed. We all got hit with the same ******* bull**** yesterday.
  10. RightSaidFred

    Dumb Luck

    We're fans, we can't win or lose a game for them. I haven't heard Mario blame luck for the loss, and I imagine he never would because he likes to control everything and that personality type has an especially hard time understanding the role of chance. Chance plays a role in all sports, man.
  11. RightSaidFred

    Dumb Luck

    Are we gonna argue now? I have nothing against you, and I'm not the reason we lost this game. Go find another dog to kick.
  12. RightSaidFred

    Dumb Luck

    Because a lot of people are down right now, and it might lift someone's spirits. That's worth inconveniencing you.
  13. RightSaidFred

    Dumb Luck

    I'm anything but an apologist. In fact, I was put in Purgatory for 6 months by @No_Fly_Zone over the summer for being a "mope" and now look at the reversal. What I am is more even-keeled than most of you. You guys were too high in the summer and you're too low now. I'm trying to bring...
  14. RightSaidFred

    Dumb Luck

    Like I said to the other guy, it's possible to be negligent and unlucky at the same time. In fact that's exactly the situation we had. He should have taken a knee, that's not in dispute. He had a choice between a guaranteed win or rolling the dice with a 99.995% chance of winning, and he...
  15. RightSaidFred

    Dumb Luck

    Both can be true at the same time. You can be negligent and unlucky in one shot.
  16. RightSaidFred

    Dumb Luck

    That's pretty much the definition of luck.
  17. RightSaidFred

    Dumb Luck

    That's the point, let's say the odds of winning if you take a knee are 100%. The odds of winning handing the ball to Chaney are 99.995%. The better choice was obviously to take a knee, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it's incredibly unlucky that we lost the game, even with the...
  18. RightSaidFred

    Dumb Luck

    I wrote in the very first sentence that WE SHOULD HAVE TAKEN A KNEE. Didn't I? You guys are missing the point.
  19. RightSaidFred

    Dumb Luck

    First, we should have taken a knee. Let me get that said first and foremost. And look I get the doom and gloom. I get where people's minds are at right now because I'm ****ed off too. I haven't been this shook about a Miami game since Terry Porter's flag. It's like being punched in the gut...