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  1. Orig.CaneSawMassacre

    It’s Chaney, not Mario

    You What play did you watch? I’ve said Cristobal beyond messed up and allowed his passion for his player (wanting Cheney to get 100) and his faith in said player not to fumble, Which he did not, cloud his judgement. Which is inexcusable. But the still shots on the play show him with full...
  2. Orig.CaneSawMassacre

    It’s Chaney, not Mario

    I played football from 6 until college. The call by Mario was a terrible decision. He put his love for his player above his responsibilities as head of a program/business. His confidence unabashed confidence in Chaney in that moment because of that call by the referees cost him, the team, and...
  3. Orig.CaneSawMassacre

    It’s Chaney, not Mario

    Just like Mario and TVD need to be accountable for their decisions/gameplay, the referees have to be held accountable. This could be the most egregious and costly error on a visual replay in the replay era? Does anyone have comparables that don’t involve judgement calls (I.e pass interference...
  4. Orig.CaneSawMassacre

    It’s Chaney, not Mario

    Hands down one of the worst and most dumbfounding coaching decisions in all of football BUT there is not a fumble there. It 1000% not a fumble and should be overturned. The majority of posters on here had us at 9 wins max anyways so…. Rock out and say , “I told you so”. That, “this team...
  5. Orig.CaneSawMassacre

    It’s Chaney, not Mario

    It doesn’t matter for all the f*ckups. TVD, the bad call to run. Because it is not and wasn’t a fumble. I’ve watched it 100 times now. Forward progress should have been whistled by the refs to avoid possible injuries and additional contact BUT with that said his elbow was down. It is BLATANT...