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  1. Bunker Mentality

    It’s Chaney, not Mario

    Who's we? I said "The L is on Mario's shoulders for sure." It was as irresponsible and inexcusable a coaching decision as I can remember; I was stunned in real-time when they kept handing it off after the first down. I rode the rollercoaster and watched that debacle with just as much...
  2. Bunker Mentality

    It’s Chaney, not Mario

    Well put. His job was to protect the win and he failed miserably in that regard. Looking forward to a better performance in Chapel Hill.
  3. Bunker Mentality

    It’s Chaney, not Mario

    yes, but it goes both ways b/c Dawson gets lauded for throwing the vertical against aTm based on the result. Yesterday Dawson called the game the way he wanted, and the question of whether Mario should have stepped in or not is completely based on the outcome of the game. The L is on...
  4. Bunker Mentality

    It’s Chaney, not Mario

    His elbow was down, but I respect your take none-the-less. Hopefully this adversity leads to being a more disciplined and focused team in practice and on Saturdays.