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  1. aelmiami

    Hey Mario [kneeling is a thing]

    UVA is so bad they will just out **** up and lose the game.
  2. aelmiami

    Hey Mario [kneeling is a thing]

    For that kid to absolutely work his *** off to get back on that field and play as hard as he has this season, it was heart breaking seeing him in tears on the sideline. Chaney does not deserve this.
  3. aelmiami

    Hey Mario [kneeling is a thing]

    You can look in mirror and admit you made mistakes. But guess what, TVD led the tying drive. The defense made a play to get the lead. And then shut them down. The offense then proceeds to get the game into a situation to go into the VICTORY formation and escape with an ugly, horrendous...
  4. aelmiami

    Hey Mario [kneeling is a thing]

    This is the straw. I thought MTSU broke me but this did it. I put the last few cares I had left all in on the Mario hire. I can’t spend anymore time doing this to myself.
  5. aelmiami

    Hey Mario [kneeling is a thing]

    I’m done with Mario. But as a man, he’d earn my respect if he calls a press conference on Monday and unequivocally owns this. Blames no one else. Not the players, the weather, not the refs. If he owns this he’d get my respect as a man. But as a football coach? He **** right off. Go on...
  6. aelmiami

    Hey Mario [kneeling is a thing]

    Maybe you missed it but this isn’t the first time his ***** *** having *** did this.
  7. aelmiami

    Hey Mario [kneeling is a thing]

    10000000% was going for 100 yards. Admitting that though, is an even dumber decision and then places blame on the players. And I seriously hope that there isn’t a single dumb *** in this fanbase that goes after Chaney. He was down and got hosed, but his coach ****ed him over royally even...
  8. aelmiami

    Hey Mario [kneeling is a thing]

    That would be worse. The only .00000000001% he has to save it to grow a pair and own it. He ****ed it up. Idgaf about 100 yards. Everyone in that **** stadium knew Chaney played **** good ball tonight.
  9. aelmiami

    Hey Mario [kneeling is a thing]

    I’m sure I’ll end up on some opposing teams tear thread or message board genius, but **** it. I would unequivocally not allow my son to play for him. Absolutely no ******* chance.
  10. aelmiami

    Hey Mario [kneeling is a thing]

    Man, this ain’t scratching your head. This is infuriating and program killing. No chance we come back from this. This is the final nail in the coffin for this program.