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  1. JD4

    Hey Mario [kneeling is a thing]

    Bro even GT fans knew he was down. I saw their comments in a different game thread all knew it
  2. JD4

    Hey Mario [kneeling is a thing]

    Lol Clemson is going to skull fck us. If we lose to unc we may lose every game the rest of the season. Win against unc and we can salvage the season. Don’t see us beating Clemson though
  3. JD4

    Hey Mario [kneeling is a thing]

    When you’re a multi-time national championship winning coach you get a little more grace but yeah I get what you’re saying. Mario has to keep the locker room though. That’s why throwing Dawson under the bus was real fcking weak. Own it and move on not make excuses or blame others
  4. JD4

    Hey Mario [kneeling is a thing]

    Mario, now isn’t the time to be checking CIS
  5. JD4

    Hey Mario [kneeling is a thing]

    So sad and so true 😂
  6. JD4

    Hey Mario [kneeling is a thing]

    Lol Mario made the worst decision ever. We still let them beat us and let them score with a 74 yard drive in 25 seconds. Mario fcked the kids but if they don’t look in the mirror and acknowledge their culpability we’re going to lose the season which would be a big shame. Hope they stick...
  7. JD4

    Hey Mario [kneeling is a thing]

    I want Miami to win games whoever the coach is. Not complicated
  8. JD4

    Hey Mario [kneeling is a thing]

    Lol I wish we had the middle finger emoji back. You’re not a fan if you’re rooting against the program bro
  9. JD4

    Hey Mario [kneeling is a thing]

    I hate this mentality. You guys actively rooting against the program are so lame You can hate the coach without hoping for them to fail
  10. JD4

    Hey Mario [kneeling is a thing]

    TVD did a lot to sell the game up but common man this one isn’t on him. Buck stops with coach on this one