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  1. L

    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    I just can't with this
  2. L

    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    Matriculate that ball down the field. Can run out clock for all I care at this point just win
  3. L

    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    Yeah, and we saw such different stuff the first 4 games....
  4. L

    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    Can we ice this?
  5. L

    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    Get another turnover
  6. L

    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    And then the stadium DJ doesn't STFU while we're trying to run a play.
  7. L

    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    The whole "nightclub" theme at the stadium is cringe too. Keep it to football
  8. L

    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    Thank god
  9. L

    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    Too high
  10. L

    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    This is criminal
  11. L

    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    I noticed that. He was dying to throw it.
  12. L

    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    That last penalty really took the air out of the room.
  13. L

    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    Now GT is putzing the ball down the field.
  14. L

    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    Agreed. It's every damned time against these teams.
  15. L

    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    These calls...
  16. L

    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    Hated that call....what the ****. Just try a run if you're thinking of that...