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    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    Take all the $ from the football program and put it into the basketball program. Even Coach L would’ve knee’ed it
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    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    I don’t even know what to say. Just flat out brain dead coaching. Mario can’t be the game day coach. Someone else has to do it for him
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    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    He’s obviously down but this was embarrassing running out of the clock
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    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    I have no words for this. How ******* stupid is Mario? Get this guy someone to do ALL of the game day decisions
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    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    Two runs up the gut and then a TO after a turnover. That’s Mario’s football
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    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    This has been joyless
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    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    TVD interceptions and commercial. This has been excruciating
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    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    Colbie Young has been a ghost tonight. Could use him in the 4th Q
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    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    Get out of the ACC tonight. Embarrassing product
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    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    ANOTHER questionable personal foul. **** this
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    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    Such a frustrating game so far
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    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    Horrible throw but shouldn’t have to score two touchdowns on a drive. These refs have an obvious agenda
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    MIAMI VS. GA TECH 10/7

    We gotta get out of the ACC