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  1. gogeta4

    Cole McConathy 4* DE from Spanish Fort, AL

    Thats the 1's i want. Seemed like old boy wanted in from the offer and his parents to. Dont let that smile fool you..dude ready to f*ck some sh*t up with pads on.
  2. gogeta4

    Cole McConathy 4* DE from Spanish Fort, AL

    i went to Tua's first game in bama...whole bunch of kids that looked like him or wore collar shirts with ties and chicks with boots and leathers on..i had a culture shock honestly lol
  3. gogeta4

    Cole McConathy 4* DE from Spanish Fort, AL

    Dude came to the OV like he just got cleaning pools in Cooper City all day. This dude frame has alot of weight to add. We're looking at a 6'5 250 Strongside end right here.
  4. gogeta4

    Cole McConathy 4* DE from Spanish Fort, AL

    im happy auburn got the flip edge fromt he gators this weekend in Waller because i believe they are the school that would be on him more so.
  5. gogeta4

    Cole McConathy 4* DE from Spanish Fort, AL

    This madman should be a priority. Bring out the nil for him
  6. gogeta4

    Cole McConathy 4* DE from Spanish Fort, AL

    I expect the Auburn offer to come in...followed by the usual Ole Miss, Arkansas, Miss State following...If Bama offer comes thats all she wrote.
  7. gogeta4

    Cole McConathy 4* DE from Spanish Fort, AL

    Yea i been jaded on the country bumpkins for a few cycles now. Its why i preach hitting New Orleans, Atl Metro, DMV, NJ/NYC, anfd the Tidewater area (757) along with the regular Dallas-Houston, SO CAL offers.
  8. gogeta4

    Cole McConathy 4* DE from Spanish Fort, AL

    Yea i realized that i mixed up christian williams... I know Julio Jones is from the area...Mark Barron... Look at this list.....Its chuck full of talent right there.
  9. gogeta4

    Cole McConathy 4* DE from Spanish Fort, AL

    Yup i loved Gilmore and Kendall Jackson from Gainesville...his tape appears similar to both
  10. gogeta4

    Cole McConathy 4* DE from Spanish Fort, AL

    Our great Malik Rosier from that area tooo.. they play pretty good football around them Mobile parts. That FloriBama line...