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  1. Brains

    Look how far We've Come...

    What the **** are you talking about? If we had won that game, we would have been national champions.
  2. Brains

    Look how far We've Come...

    1986 Sugar Bowl? It's impossible by any metric that said game would be irrelevant. You're a troll.
  3. Brains

    Look how far We've Come...

    The Peach Bowl was an irrelevant game. We threw away the season- and the program- by losing the Georgia Tech game in 2005. I cannot understand the fixation on the Peach Bowl.
  4. Brains

    Look how far We've Come...

    The loss to Virginia is among the most unacceptable performances I've ever seen, and my previous criticism regarding selection of defensive players goes right to this. We were up by 12 points with less than 3 minutes remaining, and collapsed against an AWFUL team. Win that game, and we go to...
  5. Brains

    Look how far We've Come...

  6. Brains

    Look how far We've Come...

    To those who say Randy, I say you never hire from a regime that is going downhill, and that Randy was never HC material. He just shouldn't have been hired. To those who say Manny, he at least made offseason roster and staff moves. He showed a willingness to TRY to adapt, even if he was ain...
  7. Brains

    Look how far We've Come...

    The level to which the 2012-2014 rosters were wasted is legendary. Arguably the most absurd underachiever in history as a head corch.