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  1. Scorpioncane

    Thoughts From the Bench Press: Georgia Tech

    No argument from me cane family!..just confirmation.
  2. Scorpioncane

    Thoughts From the Bench Press: Georgia Tech

    Sooo, that's how you coming! Other then '17 jj and redwine is in the same boat. If Yu think about it only st26, reed, kp, bm, threat, and bblades played in meaningful games or years?
  3. Scorpioncane

    Thoughts From the Bench Press: Georgia Tech

    Here is a name from the past! Greg threat was even serviceable back there! even, mo Sykes/Sikes was ok even though he was slow as molasses!!
  4. Scorpioncane

    Thoughts From the Bench Press: Georgia Tech

    Yes! I du even remember the 3int game against gt! Kam is on the same level of kp, bm, jj, redwine! That's tier 2, we all know tier 1, st26, reed, not sure bblades is on that tier1 level?
  5. Scorpioncane

    Thoughts From the Bench Press: Georgia Tech

    True! But, wats funny as far as stats all four have really as of right now have/had only one good year! Kam can still ball out this year and make it multiple good years!!
  6. Scorpioncane

    Thoughts From the Bench Press: Georgia Tech

    I don't disagree! But, Rousseau, Phillips and Gerald Willis had good years as well not saying there better but they had good years as well!