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  1. cway313

    Out of our top 4 WR's, who is expected to bounce after this year?

    I'm not wrong often. I guess when we were discussing it and you mentioned every WR including Horton who was a true freshmen last season you were considering him. I'm sure the truth is somewhere along the lines of you forgot he existed simarliy to everyone else. If that ends up being the only...
  2. cway313

    Out of our top 4 WR's, who is expected to bounce after this year?

    You counting Colbie while never mentioning him is wild. Nonetheless take care sir.
  3. cway313

    Out of our top 4 WR's, who is expected to bounce after this year?

    Convient. Brooks is the Alabama WR you swore would be good. Nvm I'm not looking to hurt feelings, this was message board banter about a bad take.
  4. cway313

    Out of our top 4 WR's, who is expected to bounce after this year?

    The point I was making is noone knew of him. You included. He was not even a backup to start the season. If he's the guy that makes me "wrong" I won't bat an eye. You were lauding Brinson and Brooks 🤣.
  5. cway313

    Out of our top 4 WR's, who is expected to bounce after this year?

    If Colbie gets drafted I will eat that one 😆. Personally, I would love to see who predicted a JUCO transfer most of us never heard of would be our top guy. Pretending like he knew who he was 12 months ago naw I'm good on that. As you stated the Smith and Brinson, will need 4.3 speed to even...
  6. cway313

    Out of our top 4 WR's, who is expected to bounce after this year?

    **Colbie** was a not in the 6-deep when I said that. I'll chuck that up to the game even as you pretend you knew who he was. X could sneak in Day 3 if he stays healthy but I certainly hope you aren’t implying you were right? Key Smiff, Brinson, George, Brooks still future draft picks? That's...
  7. cway313

    Out of our top 4 WR's, who is expected to bounce after this year?

    I remember when @Da Jumbo Mutombo tried to tell me how Brooks, Brinson, etc would all be drafted.