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  1. section9

    Ohio State vs Notre Dame

    Dammit. You're right. We can never have good things. The Irish do play Dook and Southern Cal. No more .gifs of D'Onofrio madly flipping through defense cards at the Cincinnati game, then?
  2. section9

    Ohio State vs Notre Dame

    Guysm, Let’s not be too hard on The Tie. There’s a Chinaman’s Chance we could face them in an NY6 Bowl Game. Trust me. You WANT Dawson and TVD facing Golden Al’s Georgia Tech Fiasco We-Fense in a Bowl Game. It will be like sitting down to a buffet breakfast in Vegas for Miami’s offense for...
  3. section9

    Ohio State vs Notre Dame

    Binders and Pillars, Gentlemen! Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of Domers…
  4. section9

    Ohio State vs Notre Dame

    I despise Taint with every fiber of my being. But it’s always a good day when Notre Dame loses at their own house. Or ours.
  5. section9

    Ohio State vs Notre Dame

    Can’t believe this is an Al Golden defense.