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  1. SayWhat

    Gotta love watching the "mighty" SEC struggle

    Okay, so who are all the 50 / 50 kids you mentioned going to the SEC because it's just the SEC. To lesser schools to just get beat down by bigger powers? There's a lot of them right? So who are they? I'd say beating A&M is a big deal if, again if, we keep winning. It would be helpful if they...
  2. SayWhat

    Gotta love watching the "mighty" SEC struggle

    Who are the a lot of 50 / 50 battles you mentioned? When you aren't a part of all of what you said, it's easy to get a chip on your shoulder about it. The best thing for us to do is get better on the field and the trail will follow. We weren't losing guys to the SEC because it's the SEC...
  3. SayWhat

    Gotta love watching the "mighty" SEC struggle

    This reeks of SEC inferiority complex. That conference has been tops fow quite some time, even if it was largely top heavy. I personally didn't care one bit, but **** they live rent free in some people's minds here. Wish the ACC had that hype. One day maybe it will and the college football...