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  1. Angry Ibis

    X’s future

    It’s balance and a circular argument here. So we could enjoy the 3-0 start or people can engage in bull**** back and forth, like: “See, Mario is da gawd…” “…yea, because he adapted like I said he needed to…” Over and over and over and over…
  2. Angry Ibis

    X’s future

    It’s all in good fun my man. But I do believe X has room to continue to grow and improve. The first part is jest at how we love to overhype our players, but then rip them down vs being balanced. I don’t particularly love negativity, but approach each season with optimism, some years it is more...
  3. Angry Ibis

    X’s future

    Steve Largent is X’s floor… may rename the Biletnikoff Award after him… He’s just getting cooking… appetizer menu… more to come
  4. Angry Ibis

    X’s future

    Because of the player or the offense…