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  1. C

    BC vs FSU

    Yep. The OC Norvells play calling is shook too
  2. C

    BC vs FSU

    Fsu doesn’t look the same when the pressure is on
  3. C

    BC vs FSU

    Holding on the DL and delay of game on the D, yeah , it’s a bad day. You won’t see that again the rest of the season.
  4. C

    BC vs FSU

    I wouldn’t respect the keep on zone read
  5. C

    BC vs FSU

    I was watching on phone lol. I’m home and saw it , it’s definitely the shoulder Or clavicle. There wasn’t much impact on lower half of arm. His shoulder came down awkward.
  6. C

    BC vs FSU

    I thought of that , when it normally dangles like that it’s a shoulder.
  7. C

    BC vs FSU

    Yep or forearm
  8. C

    BC vs FSU

    It would be crazy karma if he’s gone with a shoulder injury after all the crap talk I took last year from Noles after we lost TVD. Then fell part.
  9. C

    BC vs FSU

    This might be the dumbest BC team in history
  10. C

    BC vs FSU

    Ville looking better every week