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  1. hasena75

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    With the "Bring Tears" comment it is definitely from the Gators or Noles. I think I'm rolling with one of Amir Jackson or or Landen Thomas as the potential flip. McCoy has been linked to us on and off, but those two of Jackson and Thomas haven't been brought up in a minute.
  2. hasena75

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    Haven't opened the playbook up yet for the TEs, waiting for the Bowl Game
  3. hasena75

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    He must love our tight end usage :haha-smiley:
  4. hasena75

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    Give me one of Jackson or Hayes. Not only sticks it to UF, but Jackon and Hayes are the recruits we NEED Don’t get me wrong, would absolutely take Lyle, Ahfua or Lucas in a second but those top two….
  5. hasena75

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    Jackson or Hayes would be phenomenal, as its been said McCray isn't happening
  6. hasena75

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    Lyle seems to be what people are thinking correct?
  7. hasena75

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    When will it be announced? any chance it’s Cole? TBH it needs to be a position if need to really make up for misses. Yea, we all would take Lyle in a heart beat and we would all welcome the addition, but this board needs it to be one of those need positions.
  8. hasena75

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    Hopefully it’s a DT Any chance it’s a QB? IF it was Lyle would have liked to se B1G for a play on words