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  1. C

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    I think we all got to do the lord’s work and all block DBC.
  2. C

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    I think maybe what he means is a lower rated five star and not a top ten player like Justin Scott.
  3. C

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    I’m going to be in PUJ when that news breaks I’m sure
  4. C

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    Like two more asap soon or two more sometime between now and ESD
  5. C

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    The only time I’ve seen them be wrong when they send out the Santa signal is the night that damari announced his top three (they said he was committing that night) and after the Cormani fiasco when they suggested all was good. But nobody is perfect.
  6. C

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    It’s Canesport. I wouldn’t worry too much.