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  1. Samson Doyo

    Culture and mentality

    Do you watch college football? Just dumb? Go Canes!
  2. Samson Doyo

    Culture and mentality

    So the NC games between Bama and Clemson or OSU never happened? It happens on the weekly in college ball. Go Canes!
  3. Samson Doyo

    Culture and mentality

    Nope. How many Canrs games have you watched/experienced over the years? Sorry if you’re a newbie. Not even Canes specific, college football games aren’t won/list in the first quarter. Arguing that makes you look dumb/drunk. The examples are in the hundreds. Go Canes!
  4. Samson Doyo

    Culture and mentality

    Yes. If it’s the 1Q or even 2Q. How old are you? 18-25? Watch and learn. Go Canes!
  5. Samson Doyo

    Culture and mentality

    The 1Q of a college ball game means nothing for the most part. Been watching it long enough to know that. My $0.02. P.S. - if you are new here stay away from in game threads. That is where stoopit goes to bread. Real soap opera types. Go Canes!