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  1. Page305

    Saban gets rid of depth chart

    I see. Yeah your not wrong. Well I'll try to make my point more clear now. When it comes to anything depth chart related, ALL coaches should be on the same boat. There's nothing special about what lil Nicky is doing or saying. It's just a freaking depth chart man lol. Whatever tho.
  2. Page305

    Saban gets rid of depth chart

    That's exactly my counter point.... There's plenty of things he should get more leeway with. THIS is not one of those things. There's nothing special about it and it's no point to try and make it a big deal NOW like how they're trying to do.
  3. Page305

    Saban gets rid of depth chart

    I get it. But this is not one of those things that have a different merit depending on status, skills or who's a better coach or not. It doesn't matter if the best coach of all time or the worst coach ever said, it should come with the same amount of backlash... Well honestly, I'll be ok with a...
  4. Page305

    Saban gets rid of depth chart

    okay, fair point. But then why wait this late in his career to pull this "new" move of not releasing a depth chart? He's just trying to keep Bama's name in the media since UGA has hogtied all of the attention.
  5. Page305

    Saban gets rid of depth chart

    dawg.... y'all would absolutely DESTROY Mario if he did and said this...... I'm one who doesn't actually care much about depth charts anyway but this is just some "new" bullcrap Saban is trying to pull. so in 17 years of coaching, he's just now realizing it can be a distraction? sure buddy.