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  1. OrangeBowlMagic

    Van Dyke injured?

    Line down to 16 on DK. Not listed on my local.
  2. OrangeBowlMagic

    Van Dyke injured?

    CIS takes the middle finger and TVD loses a ring finger. Real ******* cool, guys.
  3. OrangeBowlMagic

    Van Dyke injured?

    They ******* suck. If TVD was in a wheelchair and we had to start Emory or Brown, we better be able to run for 350 on them or we’re doomed when we play real schools.
  4. OrangeBowlMagic

    Van Dyke injured?

    17.5 earlier today.
  5. OrangeBowlMagic

    Van Dyke injured?

    Line is down to 16.5.
  6. OrangeBowlMagic

    Van Dyke injured?

    Whattttaaaa….country do you think this is??
  7. OrangeBowlMagic

    Van Dyke injured?

    Cool part too is that means QB1 hasn’t thrown a pass in a practice as the offense learns a new system in 5 days. Yay!
  8. OrangeBowlMagic

    Van Dyke injured?
