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  1. D

    For all the mopes that like to bash Mario:

    Brett has been very vocally critical in the past. Thus his positive words carry far more weight than a moper who doesnt have anywhere near the same connection to the program and wants to pretend none of the positive changes are real.
  2. D

    For all the mopes that like to bash Mario:

    Plus Romberg hasnt been a blind homer. He was very openly critical of how things were going in the past. For him to post something that positive about our near future means he's really seen and heard things that he likes.
  3. D

    For all the mopes that like to bash Mario:

    I was responding to the guy saying it was the worst season, not you. I agree with you.
  4. D

    For all the mopes that like to bash Mario:

    You are ignoring some of the context behind the worst season in decades. Yes, Mario deserves blame for Gattis. However, we also had ridiculous amounts of injuries to a team with limited depth, especially in the key areas of QB and OL. Additionally, a significant contingent of Manny's...