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    This Season Is Mario’s Year 1 and Its going to be a Great One.

    I don't think you can judge "Mario and staff" in 2023 for 2022 when both Gattis and Steele are gone—as Guidry and Dawson have nothing to do with last year.... but do agree that you don't give a mulligan for 2022. Chalk it up to a learning experience and a dead weight roster full of betas that...

    This Season Is Mario’s Year 1 and Its going to be a Great One.

    I mean it wasn't a scratch; it was his first year and it was a rough one. There are no mulligans. The man went 5-7 and had a very dismal debut; losing a winnable game at aTm (due to a trash OC) which carried over to a soft team not being ready two weeks later for MTSU. The wheels were fast off...