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    Official Fall Camp PractiSE #11: Monday august 14th

    Valid points. I just think winning cures all, and losing ails all. If we win, will anyone still care How Mario handled the local media?
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    Official Fall Camp PractiSE #11: Monday august 14th

    We should all be cheering for this young man. He wants to be great, and will be if his body gives him a chance. But I’m confident Chaney is doing everything is his power to be great.
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    Official Fall Camp PractiSE #11: Monday august 14th

    We had the exact conversation about Thad, but the one difference I would point out from their high school videos is that Thad played like a big guy, which he is, and Fletcher plays like a physical player. I think we often confuse size for physicality. There are smaller backs who play physical...
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    Official Fall Camp PractiSE #11: Monday august 14th

    This guy in the 4th quarter going against a tired defense will be a problem.
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    Official Fall Camp PractiSE #11: Monday august 14th

    To each coach their own system. Do any of us actually care as long as the team wins? And if the team loses won’t many come on here and complain that Mario restricts access? My point being, the only thing that matters is winning and losing. And the narrative that is spun in around winning and...