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  1. WeBallinBoyz

    The Bank (8/3)

    Here’s some food for thought after we’ve discovered Miami refuses to play the same game as UF, FSU (disgusting), Auburn, OU, Texas, A&M, and every other school overpaying market value: is winning this year more important for the boosters, or for the recruits? I ask this because the more I think...
  2. WeBallinBoyz

    The Bank (8/3)

    I’ve said multiple times you can’t count out Mario when it comes to recruiting; and at the same time, he would be the first to tell you this current class is unacceptable by his standards.
  3. WeBallinBoyz

    The Bank (8/3)

  4. WeBallinBoyz

    The Bank (8/3)

    I’m the rookie and you’re talking about a drop from 3 to 7 concerning a coaching change with a controversial, yet extremely enticing hall of Famer? What the f^ck does that have to do with anything? Why can’t you put down the orange and green cocaine and objectively admit we’re struggling to...
  5. WeBallinBoyz

    The Bank (8/3)

    Oh here’s the “it’s only August crowd” again. Once upon a time, it was only June. Then it was only July. Keep making excuses though.
  6. WeBallinBoyz

    The Bank (8/3)

    I was never a big math guy but a 4th-ranked class is better than 18th. Also 3rd is better than 18th. Florida did not look worse than us last year lmfao, like c’mon big guy. You can’t fool anyone with that. Our wins were Bethune, Southern Miss, Virginia, GT and VT. I’ll save you the time looking...
  7. WeBallinBoyz

    The Bank (8/3)

    I’ll gladly trade off-season champs for a 9-win season. Unfortunately given what our current class looks like combined with being clearly the third-best class in the state, the sense of urgency is ramped up to an all-time high. And yeah…miss me with the “crazy how some of you expected similar...