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  1. WeBallinBoyz

    2024 Dylan Stewart 2.0

    Well lads. You can’t fix stupid. I’ll leave it here
  2. WeBallinBoyz

    2024 Dylan Stewart 2.0

    So you can admit the staff and people on this site set unrealistic expectations? I guess that’s a start. And I decided in August that it’s been underwhelming thus far, yes. We were told in May to wait for June’s OV’s and then in June to wait for a Wave in July. That’s just facts.
  3. WeBallinBoyz

    2024 Dylan Stewart 2.0

    Who said anything about not letting things play out? Did I call for anyone’s head? Why is it so hard for you to admit that we’re not meeting expectations on the recruiting front? It’s really not that big of a deal to admit the truth. Even if it hurts the ego.
  4. WeBallinBoyz

    2024 Dylan Stewart 2.0

    You think I just demand people by a certain date because it’s fun and tickles my pickle? How many times does it need to be said that summer is becoming the hotbed of recruiting for the calendar year and that flips are happening less and less? You think Mario da gawd defies trends and statistics...
  5. WeBallinBoyz

    2024 Dylan Stewart 2.0

    You’re right, the most important recruiting period in the calendar year is about to wrap up and we’re trending in the wrong direction of a class outside the Top 15 with an 80 million dollar recruiting savant. My mistake. I should have expected this.
  6. WeBallinBoyz

    2024 Dylan Stewart 2.0

    You're overcompensating for someone or something. It's ok to admit that between the expectations set forth by the staff (and most insiders on here), as well as the reputation Mario carried as a recruiter...June and July were a failure. I don't think it's even remotely arguable. Why this...
  7. WeBallinBoyz

    2024 Dylan Stewart 2.0

    You've called it like it is this cycle, and I don't think we'll ever spend like the top 4-5 like you insinuated (A&M, Texas, UGA, USC, Auburn?). My question is where do you think we fit into the conversation concerning this list? A&M Texas USC UGA Auburn Bama Ohio St Oregon LSU Tennessee UF...
  8. WeBallinBoyz

    2024 Dylan Stewart 2.0

    That's the thing though...why is it tied to the season's results in just year 2? Mario was brought in to recruit with his eyes closed, winning football games was secondary (especially early on). If those two are already tied at the hip (thanks to a disastrous year 1), well then god speed and we...
  9. WeBallinBoyz

    2024 Dylan Stewart 2.0

    It's been trash. If you look at the whole picture now that July is over, we just keep landing one or two guys to stop the bleeding. It was trash, then we landed Riley to make it respectable. It was trash again, then we landed Lightfoot for some badly-needed momentum. Not a peep from another...
  10. WeBallinBoyz

    2024 Dylan Stewart 2.0

    I love seeing people keep defending the NIL and recruiting situation. WE HAVE MORE KIDS OUTSIDE THE TOP 900 THAN IN THE TOP 250. Like c’mon bruh, stop sucking him off and making excuses. It’s f^cking right in front of you. Wait til Franklin…ohhh buddy it’s going to be bad on here. We’re not...