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  1. Brooklyndee

    2024 Dylan Stewart 2.0

    That's not what I'm saying... You can choose to critique whether or not it worked out which clearly it didn't. However the results have zero to do with were they individually initially considered good hires... The results don't change the initial thought behind why he hired each of them. That's...
  2. Brooklyndee

    2024 Dylan Stewart 2.0

    Actually I'm sure y'all will find a way to say I'm just choosing sides so feel free to ask anyone y'all trust in what they tell you. Each & every single one of them would tell you MANDY HAD ZERO TO DO WITH ENOS MOVING ON... He was told he has to go. & To mention what you feel gattis deserved or...
  3. Brooklyndee

    2024 Dylan Stewart 2.0

    There's the problem. You're stating lets see if Mario adapts too like he hasn't already... Shannon Dawson runs a version of an air raid! Yet no one gives him credit for that. They look for the negative in it. Let's critique the sunshine pumpers etc yet everything is perfect with people like...
  4. Brooklyndee

    2024 Dylan Stewart 2.0

    I always assume you guys can walk and talk and I take it as a foregone conclusion there's some intelligence also. With that as a given why can't anyone apply context... There is moving parts involved in team sports. On offense our team was built for lashlee offense and corched into that system...
  5. Brooklyndee

    2024 Dylan Stewart 2.0

    Nope. Not at all... Past that I'm not answering YOUR question. But while you choose to give Kirby credit for everything at bama, you're consciously choosing not to give Mario any. You guys just choose to talk **** about Mario(supposedly y'all's teams head coach)to no end. Kirby has built a...
  6. Brooklyndee

    2024 Dylan Stewart 2.0

    To be perfectly clear Kirby tags in with dbs but he's not coaching them. Mario does coach a unit. He is coaching the interior lineman & helps throughout the line. That's what makes him and mirabel tough to beat is between them for lineman they've put in and developed plenty of kids who they've...
  7. Brooklyndee

    2024 Dylan Stewart 2.0

    By anything they wanted under him, I meant they could be as corrupt as possible just to be clear.
  8. Brooklyndee

    2024 Dylan Stewart 2.0

    He's a cis expert...
  9. Brooklyndee

    2024 Dylan Stewart 2.0

    It's hysterical your assessment of Kirby... There's a reason he's won & it's called they spend with the best of them opposed to Richt didn't believe in that and was at odds with boosters over the issue the one time they did get payments out that he found out about. Virtually all head coaches are...
  10. Brooklyndee

    2024 Dylan Stewart 2.0

    I'm not gonna argue the point anymore as it's not relevant. You same guys won't say James Williams sucks when he blows coverage or blatantly misses tackles more than a blind,deaf,mute possibly could. You guys don't blame Kam for all the blown coverages he had. You guys just see a corner tugging...
  11. Brooklyndee

    2024 Dylan Stewart 2.0

    You guys don't get to use that 2 NFL corners argument when basically 99.9% of you talked **** about dj consistently...