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  1. D

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    Oh yeah, this is gonna end well…
  2. D

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    I hope whoever is guilty will face prosecution.
  3. D

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    👆👆👆 Frame this.
  4. D

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    My question was addressed to @CFLCane since he quoted a passage from the book of Numbers and made a cryptic comment. Really weird thing for you to chime in with, though…
  5. D

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    And who would that be?
  6. D

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    👆 What sort of point are you trying to make by referencing this?
  7. D

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    The excuse for deeming this movie “problematic” is that it stars Jim Caviezel. He had already been cancelled by Hollywood. He wasn’t supposed to be able to appear in any more box office hits. Now the mainstream media is in full-on damage control mode over it. See this, for example. 👇👇👇...