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  1. crossover22[]_[]

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    Lol I literally said the movie isn't political. You come back with wrong i didnt say the dialogue is political. WHAT IN THE ****!!!! So you see a issue that right wing sites pushed a movie based on their belief that it will help on this issue. Very strange. I see a issue where left wing...
  2. crossover22[]_[]

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    Go watch the tapes for yourself. Or keep believing lies. Up to you.
  3. crossover22[]_[]

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    Agree with all of that except the last paragraph. The movie is not political at all. The reaction to the movie is political which is odd.
  4. crossover22[]_[]

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    To a degree yes you are correct. With more illegal immigration comes more child trafficking. With less illegal immigration comes less child trafficking. Another reason a strong border is needed.
  5. crossover22[]_[]

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    Its higher under certain administrations. We all know which administrations. can you show me the caravan sizes now verse other caravans? While you have no reason to believe me and im not saying you should. One of my best friends works in the big house and sees all the information. What we...
  6. crossover22[]_[]

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    Watched it and what is said is that its way worse than under the last administration. “I don’t have the correct adjective to describe what’s going on”
  7. crossover22[]_[]

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom
  8. crossover22[]_[]

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

  9. crossover22[]_[]

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    My dad is a car salesman so I dont know what he is talking about. Who gathers data from the border? Im interested in hearing your answer.
  10. crossover22[]_[]

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    Lmao. You got some of my curly hairs stuck in your teeth.
  11. crossover22[]_[]

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

  12. crossover22[]_[]

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    Conspiracy theorists. Lol Problem is that in this day the conspiracy theorists are the ones that are actually correct. Just look at covid.
  13. crossover22[]_[]

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    What about the women in Arkansas that were silenced by the clintons? Under oath testimony to the abuses the Clinton's committed on women and children. Before Clinton ever saw the white house.
  14. crossover22[]_[]

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    Data is manipulated all the time. The current administration says the border is controlled which is a total lie. All you have to do is listen to border patrol agents. The people who actually witness whats going on.
  15. crossover22[]_[]

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    Oh very strong with them. They love illegals until they have to deal with them.
  16. crossover22[]_[]

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    Not close to the extent that it is now. Not even close
  17. crossover22[]_[]

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    Why have most the people on the right I know have seen the movie BUT no leftist i know has? Hmmmm. Its almost like one side cares and one side does what they're told.
  18. crossover22[]_[]

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    Im gonna bring up Schindler list again. Let's say ive never seen it. Even though I've never seen it i can say "wow what a hero. What a great man." On the other hand yall are in here bringing up qanon and him basically doing **** for photo opportunities. Why? Why not just say hes a hero and...
  19. crossover22[]_[]

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    No he literally said celebrate the man. The hero. He didn't say go see the movie.