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  1. ben

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

  2. ben

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    Lol nole
  3. ben

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    The Q stuff by cnn, msnbc, daily beast, guardian, etc has nothing to do with morals. it’s all for clicks. And to your point, that sort of unbalanced fixation by the left actually amplifies, rather than mitigates, a discussion point.
  4. ben

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    I think extremes on both sides are conflating issues. Also, the concern isn’t about “why” they want to protect children, it’s about the implication that liberals are enabling human trafficking because they haven’t seen a movie. The reason most haven’t seen the movie has nothing to do with the...
  5. ben

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    the qanon connection stuff is just fear mongering on the left. which authors are you talking about in this case, and did they impact luke and shawn's videos?
  6. ben

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    Never heard of these guys. Did anyone see the reviews? Violating content policy could be a LOT of things.
  7. ben

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    He’s got a good heart — I already stated that.
  8. ben

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    Traffickers open and close accounts using different emails with aliases, and transfer between them in an unending, offshore and nearly impossible to track process. A trafficker can literally go through thousands of logins in a single year. They don’t use payment apps like normal people do, and...
  9. ben

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    He said “if you are unable to celebrate this movie” — so you’re saying he wants me to celebrate it but I don’t have to see it?
  10. ben

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    We are on the same page. Type of therapy matters. But, again, it is how you spin the information — trans activists would view that as conversion therapy, and connote that with barbarism.
  11. ben

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    The Qanon stuff is a dirty MSM ploy to use scare tactics to boost their own ratings. Even then, that does not mean viewers of those channels dismiss the topic of pedophilia. The demographic to talk about among those who are trafficked is those who are desperate, vulnerable and impressionable...
  12. ben

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    My greater point in bringing up flamin hot is that it is absurd for someone to accuse someone else who hasn’t seen a particular film of not caring about the topic or theme the film covers. There are other rags to riches shows, stories and movies that don’t require seeing flamin hot, just as...
  13. ben

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    I didn’t say he was behind it. I said both films likely have factual inaccuracies.
  14. ben

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    Both are films based on true stories. Presumably neither is 100% accurate.
  15. ben

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    It would be when you said, “sorry but if you are unable to celebrate this movie and the dude it portrays as a genuine hero you have a sick motive.” You are equating not seeing the movie with attacking it.
  16. ben

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    Trans activists use data that they have higher rates of mental illness to justify that any restrictions on the care they want (including hormone therapy and reassignment surgery) to receive is amplifying that illness. Likewise they use the heightened rates of mental illness to bring attention to...
  17. ben

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

  18. ben

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    @Tony4Miami @AUcane heres the problem: posters like @svenben equate not seeing the movie to attacking it. And because they view not seeing the movie as attacking it, they lump anyone who hasn’t seen the movie in with the CNNs and MSNBCs of the world that actually attack the movie for divisive...
  19. ben

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    Not at all. Trans activists use this very data to help state their case. They simply use the same data to reach a different conclusion.
  20. ben

    Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

    So what’s the Liam neeson thing about? I don’t really know anything about him personally other than he had that one wife who died after a skiing accident.