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  1. AUcane

    A quick update after talking to some people

    I did a quick check on last year’s top 50 kids. Roughly 40% of them were committed by end of summer (most of those in June/July) and 40% committed in late December. The rest of the kids committed either in the spring, fall or in feb. Andrew ivins said in a recent podcast that summer...
  2. AUcane

    A quick update after talking to some people

    This. Misreading on a couple guys happens all the time. But, misreading the room at a position of need where we are supposedly planning to stack (DL) and where our HC said that the position is a major priority this off-season is not your standard misread on 1-2 guys. Also, if memory serves...
  3. AUcane

    A quick update after talking to some people

    You’re (and others) are focusing on the wrong things. Losing Barney kind of hurts but honestly, that’s not the alarming part of D$’s post. Losing a WR is expected due to the year we had. There’s only so much beard can do imo, to make up for the gattis disaster. The alarming part is that we...
  4. AUcane

    A quick update after talking to some people

    That’s depressing - if they were blindsided by a local kid, I can only imagine how blindsided they’ll get by the non-local kids. I know you win some and lose some but does getting blindsided with a local kid emblematic of a larger issue?
  5. AUcane

    A quick update after talking to some people

    We have a great shot to reclaim recruiting momentum by winning in September which our schedule is made for. If Mario crawls out of September with an average performance, yikes.
  6. AUcane

    A quick update after talking to some people

    While you have a good point about being biased, there are some tried and true truisms in recruiting and they do not seem to be lining up in our favor. I always felt we were more likely to lose out on all of our top DL targets than we were in getting all of our top DL targets but here we are...
  7. AUcane

    A quick update after talking to some people

    My man, if Mario struggles in year 2 and then has to find another QB in year 3, you could see a potential tough couple seasons ahead of Mario which would start getting that seat warm. That’s why this year is critical for him.
  8. AUcane

    A quick update after talking to some people

    Welp, I got criticized for being pessimistic about our (DL) class. I thought we would be in better shape with Scott and breeland but after D’s report, I can envision a realistic scenario where we lose all of our top DL targets and end up with a class of Russell, Jackson and Pickett or something...