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  1. 423Hurricane

    A quick update after talking to some people

    Usual suspects that think they know something but don’t know their *** from a hole in the ground.
  2. 423Hurricane

    A quick update after talking to some people

    LOL at Megatron and Cobra Commander. Duke no doubt was a shocker to errbody. All I’ll say is each situation has it’s own nuances and comparing each to ours is like comparing apples and oranges.
  3. 423Hurricane

    A quick update after talking to some people

    Excuses? Seems like facts that we’ve been a **** show for 20 yesrs. Here’s another fact. We weren’t **** from 1926 to 1982. You can do the math on how many years that was. As unprecedented as that 20 year stretch was from “83 to ‘02, it was an anomaly in the history of Hurricanes football...
  4. 423Hurricane

    A quick update after talking to some people

    Year 1 of the Mario era was a stinker - putting it mildly. No excuses. It’s all on him. Looking at the big picture, Mario is following 20 years of (with the exception of Richt’s 10-3) 7-5 mediocrity and lack of football program support and followed the Diaz disaster. Mario now apparently has...
  5. 423Hurricane

    A quick update after talking to some people

    In fairness, it seems Barney was giving the vibe he was committing to us. Whatever changed that vibe only he and the coaches can speak to.
  6. 423Hurricane

    A quick update after talking to some people

    Fact of the matter is the schools you mentioned and many others have had “collectives” for years. Ghostly figures that hand out cash in McDonalds bags and hand car keys to kids (among other prizes). Miami is new to the game, has a lot of catching up to do, and because of the reasons you...
  7. 423Hurricane

    A quick update after talking to some people

    Don’t hold your breath.
  8. 423Hurricane

    A quick update after talking to some people

    No HC will dig out of a 20 year **** hole in 18 months especially considering how far behind we were in every facet of the football program. 5-7 last year sure didn’t help matters. Obviously, results on the field this year will go a long way in determining the Mario era short and long term.