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  1. Suhrthing

    July 29, 2023 BBQ

    When you order an AI language model from
  2. Suhrthing

    July 29, 2023 BBQ

    Hey yo. Hit the button.
  3. Suhrthing

    July 29, 2023 BBQ

    What does calinative umstudent hate you so?
  4. Suhrthing

    July 29, 2023 BBQ

  5. Suhrthing

    July 29, 2023 BBQ

    I think you'll need a Thermoworks thermometer, I use a Signals.
  6. Suhrthing

    July 29, 2023 BBQ

    I use a WSM as well. With a Thermoworks fan and controller it can be pretty hands off.
  7. Suhrthing

    July 29, 2023 BBQ My kids were flabbergasted when I told them they were eating anchovies.
  8. Suhrthing

    July 29, 2023 BBQ

    My favorite pizza is homemade. I make both the crust and anchovy sauce. Cheap as **** too! A legit brick oven would be awesome, but a 1/2" pizza steel does a decent job.
  9. Suhrthing

    July 29, 2023 BBQ

    46 minutes of that douche? Why do you hate us calinative?
  10. Suhrthing

    July 29, 2023 BBQ

    What style are Sally's and Pepe's - Neapolitan? If so I completely agree with you. I say that having never tried either NY or CT pizza in person. But I've had local pizza that NY transplants swear by, and local Neapolitan pizza (from some trained in pizza school lol) that is orders of magnitude...
  11. Suhrthing

    July 29, 2023 BBQ

    My only Detroit style experience is the chain Jets. But it's quite tasty for a chain. I prefer Detroit style to the only Chicago-style I've tried, which was Giordano's.
  12. Suhrthing

    July 29, 2023 BBQ

    Fair enough. Everyone has different tastes. Fruit and protein (especially bacon) is a timeless combination. Hawaiian pizza is liked by enough people that it's still on menus all over the place. Pizza has evolved a long way from it's humble beginnings centuries ago - and while I love neapolitan...
  13. Suhrthing

    July 29, 2023 BBQ

    I think Hawaiian pizza is actually good when done right! I don't really like purity tests for food, variety is the spice of life!
  14. Suhrthing

    July 29, 2023 BBQ

    Many do, maybe it's a too broad brush, but yes many consider adding beans, tomatoes, macaroni and basically anything outside of chilis and beef chunks as 'not chili'. I've heard it countless times. The point is food snobs are everywhere, no need to single out one group lol.
  15. Suhrthing

    July 29, 2023 BBQ

    Texans literally say... "That's not chili, that's soup" New Yorkers literally say... "That's not pizza, that's a casserole". But OK lol. Edit: anyone says pulled pork isnt bbq because of the type of sauce it has on it is stupid too.
  16. Suhrthing

    July 29, 2023 BBQ

    Every region with any claims to notoriety from its food has their snobs... Texans with beef or chili, midwesterners with ribs, New Yorkers with pizza etc. No point in anyone using superlatives for their preferred recipes, its all really subjective and personal unless someone shows up to a...
  17. Suhrthing

    July 29, 2023 BBQ

    Light serving of ketchup-based sauce is OK on ribs - but most the time is just masks flavor IMO. And 'NC snobs' use it on pulled pork all the time... like anywhere else - bbq is regional in NC. :rolleyes:
  18. Suhrthing

    July 29, 2023 BBQ

    Pulled pork ESPECIALLY only needs salt and pepper during the smoking process. It then becomes a blank pallet for bbq sandwiches, tacos, carnitas, loaded nachos, fried rice, egg-rolls, stews and on and on! At the very least serve your ketchup mask on the side!
  19. Suhrthing

    July 29, 2023 BBQ

    This. Good BBQ is not hard - but it takes some learning and experience. Start with quality protein, control your smoke and heat, learn when to pull and rest... then enjoy. Good bbq is like good poon, hard to describe succinctly, but you know when you're getting it!
  20. Suhrthing

    July 29, 2023 BBQ

    IMO both beef and pork only require s&p; a dabble of dry rub is acceptable for certain dishes or applications but that's about it. If one can't appreciate the taste of smoked and salted beef and pork, maybe they should be eating tofu or soy burgers.