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  1. ZuCrew

    Prison Showers for a Seminole: New Travis Rudolph thread

    Awesome. Thank you. Yea, law is interesting to me for protection and personal use. I like finding rules and regulations I can exploit to my advantage honestly. A lot of people don’t read find print. I always found that stuff interesting and would always site regulations I found. Plus being a guy...
  2. ZuCrew

    Prison Showers for a Seminole: New Travis Rudolph thread

    I figured as such. If someone wanted to study law for themselves minus law school what book(s) would you recommend?
  3. ZuCrew

    Prison Showers for a Seminole: New Travis Rudolph thread

    You a lawyer by trade?
  4. ZuCrew

    Prison Showers for a Seminole: New Travis Rudolph thread

    While all the extra ****ing was unnecessary, thank you for the explanation. The explanation itself would have sufficed.
  5. ZuCrew

    Prison Showers for a Seminole: New Travis Rudolph thread

    Are y’all mad because he got off or mad because the terms are being used incorrectly? Explain it then…
  6. ZuCrew

    Prison Showers for a Seminole: New Travis Rudolph thread

    Really? I thought once something happens legal precedence is set and referred back to. Ok so how does it work exactly?
  7. ZuCrew

    Prison Showers for a Seminole: New Travis Rudolph thread

    I was pretty confident he would be found not guilty as I posted in the last thread. Florida has that ****ed up *** stand your ground law and the George Zimmerman case set a precedence afterward so...yea.