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  1. Hold My Beer

    Current board mood: $EC or B1GLY ?

    Larry went out a CHAMPION!
  2. Hold My Beer

    Current board mood: $EC or B1GLY ?

    Noticing a trend with the Big Ten LINK: What to know about Ohio State University athletic doctor Richard Strauss’ career, abuse and death LINK: University of Michigan Sexual Abuse: The Dr. Robert Anderson Scandal LINK: Michigan State University reaches $500 million settlement with Larry...
  3. Hold My Beer

    Current board mood: $EC or B1GLY ?

    How you just gonna ignore Coker's Potato Bowl victory over Nevada-Reno?
  4. Hold My Beer

    Current board mood: $EC or B1GLY ?

    UM and FSU turned down the SEC in 1990. Zero chance the Noles do it again, but we might
  5. Hold My Beer

    Current board mood: $EC or B1GLY ?

    Would love to hear what both Frenk and Notre Dame's president have to say — off the record of course — about any B1G influence on the AAU selections. Politics is part of darn near everything. Definitely could see the B1G offering up a little quid pro quo to the academic side to "encourage" the...
  6. Hold My Beer

    Current board mood: $EC or B1GLY ?

    Spurrier and Meyer days are over and done. UF the bottom feeder got about as much “power” in the SEC as Mississippi State and Vandy.
  7. Hold My Beer

    Current board mood: $EC or B1GLY ?

    Can we change the votes of other porsters due to voting machines malfunctioning and other stuff 🤨
  8. Hold My Beer

    Current board mood: $EC or B1GLY ?

    (y) Know from experience it's 500 miles round trip from Daytona Beach to Joe Robbie Stadium (and you ain't hit "The South" along that I-95 corridor til you get to Daytona)
  9. Hold My Beer

    Current board mood: $EC or B1GLY ?

    B1G adds Miami, Cal, Kansas, Missouri, Notre Dame, Oregon, Stanford, Washington SEC adds Clemson, Duke, fsu, Georgia Tech, UNC, NC State, UVA, Virginia Tech, West Virginia
  10. Hold My Beer

    Current board mood: $EC or B1GLY ?

    What if it revealed some problematic dealings by Swofford and ESPN of which the presidents were not made aware? Just throwing **** up against the wall, but that seems like something ESPN wouldn't want out in the open because it could get messy
  11. Hold My Beer

    Current board mood: $EC or B1GLY ?

    I' wonder if the Magnificent 7's lawyers might do a deep dive into the back-room dealings between John Swofford and ESPN in 2016 that allowed Raycom Sports to retain a significant share of the ACC's broadcast inventory (and at a favorable price?). Swofford's son, Chad, has been a VP at Raycom...
  12. Hold My Beer

    Current board mood: $EC or B1GLY ?

    This x 100 Zero chance the 'Magnificent 7' (UM, Clemson, UNC, NCSU, UVA, VT and fsu) will sit around and accept an annual $30M to $50M shortfall compared to what SEC and B1G schools are collecting from their conference offices. An escape route will be found — one way or another — long before 2036
  13. Hold My Beer

    Current board mood: $EC or B1GLY ?

    Thank you!
  14. Hold My Beer

    Current board mood: $EC or B1GLY ?

    I know y’all are correct in saying the academic side should be prioritized, but … man it sure would feel good if the president said something to the effect of “we will base a decision on our future athletic conference strictly on what’s best for our athletic programs at this university.”
  15. Hold My Beer

    Current board mood: $EC or B1GLY ?

    This right here. Sooner the better
  16. Hold My Beer

    Current board mood: $EC or B1GLY ?

    How great would it be if we joined the SEC and broke out that chant before, during and after every conference game — home or away — like some notorious soccer hooligans? Give those folks at Bama, LSU, UGA, Auburn etc a real reason to hate us
  17. Hold My Beer

    Current board mood: $EC or B1GLY ?

    Not disagreeing with your premise wrt the SEC. But how long would we be in the B1G before we got shafted just as badly by some total BS involving Mich, ND, OSU or PSU?
  18. Hold My Beer

    Current board mood: $EC or B1GLY ?

    Money and exposure is gonna be great either way, but, yeah ... playing FSU and UF on an annual (or at least regular) basis would be the No. 1 difference maker between the SEC and B1G (imo). Either conference will be a huge step up from where we're stuck now. Can't wait til it happens!