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  1. C

    Current board mood: $EC or B1GLY ?

    Agreed, but I was talking about all D1 schools left out of the Big 2, not just those in the current ACC. There are going to be quite a few former Power 5 schools who are going to be left behind as second class citizens getting the current Group of 5 treatment. I have a feeling the majority of...
  2. C

    Current board mood: $EC or B1GLY ?

    Would that only come into play for "for profit" entities? Does the lack of a competitive football team truly affect the university's ability to perform its primary role (supposedly) of providing a college education for its students? It is a good point and one I see being used down the line by...
  3. C

    Current board mood: $EC or B1GLY ?

    OP, I know it's late in the game, but I wonder how age factors into this decision. I'm guessing those fans 35 years or younger would more likely vote Big 10 and over 35 would lean toward the SEC. As an older guy myself, I'd lean SEC to play Florida again every year (plus, I think FSU is going...