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  1. hoops156

    NIL Money For High Schoolers

    its like bright futures for athletes in Missouri
  2. hoops156

    NIL Money For High Schoolers

    this whole thread was dumb to begin with.
  3. hoops156

    NIL Money For High Schoolers

    you want to link your studies? lol. this was when I was in HS so 02-06. today, teens are finding more creative ways to earn income at an earlier age than generations past (studies say of course).
  4. hoops156

    NIL Money For High Schoolers

    pro athletes have issues w families taking advantage of them but no one stops them from getting 100 million dollar deals. anyways, NIL or not, kids have been getting paid to play forever now.
  5. hoops156

    NIL Money For High Schoolers

    thats work ethic. they quit working bc their work ethic sucks.
  6. hoops156

    NIL Money For High Schoolers

    we should all be broke
  7. hoops156

    NIL Money For High Schoolers

    so if a reg HS student that goes to Miami Norland creates a company in HS and sells it for a large sum of money (true story from my HS w two of my classmates (not NHS but their neighbor right up ives dairy), would they now be in danger? should they not be allowed to sell that company bc the real...
  8. hoops156

    NIL Money For High Schoolers

    my buddy owns the largest influencer merch company out there right now. I can ask him if any are in danger since hes got deals w all the major influencers out there (including the Paul Brothers and Cavinder Twins).
  9. hoops156

    NIL Money For High Schoolers

    so kids shouldn't get paid but adults can take advantage of their fame and attempt to profit off of it, schools and websites can drive traffic and advertising dollars off these kids, but the kids themselves shouldn't get paid bc someone may get killed over jealousy?
  10. hoops156

    NIL Money For High Schoolers

    I always like when people say stats say this but dont actually use stats