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  1. Memnon

    NIL Money For High Schoolers

    It's been a year since one of the stupidest arguments I've ever had on here... So just wanted to check in & see if there's been any robberies or high crimes committed towards HS athletes because of their NIL money?
  2. Memnon

    NIL Money For High Schoolers

    The story turns out exactly how it did for Luther Burden & how it will turn out for Ryan Wingo. This idea that because a kid lives in a bad neighborhood & gets a NIL deal that he suddenly gonna get robbed & killed is really really really really really really really really really really really...
  3. Memnon

    NIL Money For High Schoolers

  4. Memnon

    NIL Money For High Schoolers

    So only in cities with violence & crime is where kids shouldn’t be allowed to be compensated for NIL? Is that what you’re saying?
  5. Memnon

    NIL Money For High Schoolers

    So do all High School athletes live in Chicago? And does that mean that High School athletes in the suburbs won’t be taken advantage of?
  6. Memnon

    NIL Money For High Schoolers

    Does this apply to Wall Street or just athletes?
  7. Memnon

    NIL Money For High Schoolers

    If NIL just started then how do you know for a fact that kids will be robbed & killed because of NIL? What evidence are you basing that claim on? If your issue wasn’t inner city kids being potentially robbed & killed, then why did you mention inner city kids in the first place? What point were...
  8. Memnon

    NIL Money For High Schoolers

    Kids are allowed to make money off YouTube... But kids can also get shot in a school shooting. Kids shouldn’t be allowed to make money on YouTube anymore.
  9. Memnon

    NIL Money For High Schoolers

    But you’re drawing conclusions with no evidence at all; you’re assuming that because a kid lives in certain neighborhood that he’s going to get robbed or killed just because he has a hypothetical amount of NIL money... You’re making the argument that kids in the inner city shouldn’t be allowed...
  10. Memnon

    NIL Money For High Schoolers

    So only kids from upper middle class should get NIL? How many High School recruits have been robbed & killed before? Yall are taking extremes & making it the norm when that’s not the case at all. It’s a very backwards way of thinking & based on stereotyping more than reality.
  11. Memnon

    NIL Money For High Schoolers

    Maybe if they had money they wouldn’t have to live in the inner city? But either way, you’re making an argument based around an extreme that doesn’t actually have any basis in reality as it pertains to athletes & their right to be compensated via NIL. You’re using circular logic to make a...
  12. Memnon

    NIL Money For High Schoolers

    Adults get robbed & killed everyday, should we not allow them to have money either? What kinda logic is that?
  13. Memnon

    NIL Money For High Schoolers

    The same things that go wrong paying people whose Brains are fully developed.