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  1. Angry Ibis

    Kentucky Derby

    Yes. Roughly 5 times in the Fall of 2022….
  2. Angry Ibis

    Kentucky Derby

    Since we are ruining a celebratory thread in style… Lucky rabbits’ feet are offensive! Horse shoes? - WTF?!?! — at least make them Nike, amirite @Rellyrell
  3. Angry Ibis

    Kentucky Derby

    Mope. You seem rustled again. Enjoy the Derby win! Or visit a shelter and hug some dogs, or pet a horse or a pony. Your day will be much brighter than reading too much into things.
  4. Angry Ibis

    Kentucky Derby

    I didn’t opine on the choices of any creatures, merely my concern for all creatures. It’s a celebration thread about a Miami alum’s horse winning the Derby. Are you here to mope?
  5. Angry Ibis

    Kentucky Derby

    I’m very concerned about the ethical treatment of all creatures …as we gather to celebrate and discuss other humans hitting each other for our entertainment …
  6. Angry Ibis

    Kentucky Derby

    Love it!! We’re a horse racing school now…