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    Myth Buster: Talent or Coaching?

    2 of the worst evals in recent memory were Joe Brown and Zalontae Hilery. Both were not D1 players at all.
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    Myth Buster: Talent or Coaching?

    There has also been a lot of talk about Golden’s evaluation skills lately, and he had some hidden gems, but let us not collectively forget he missed many layups such as Isaiah Mckenzie and Quincy Wilson while waiting too long to recruit Eddie Jackson and Carlton Davis.
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    Myth Buster: Talent or Coaching?

    I’ll just add in my .02 which I’ve posted before… I saw Kenny Mcintosh and Thad Franklin in the same setting, as well as Mark Pope and Devonta Smith, and they were equal prospects as far as I was concerned. And many college coaches felt the same way as me.